Our contacts

220030, Republic of Belarus, Minsk, Svobody sq., 17

tel.: (017) 319-57-84;

fax: (017) 338-62-15

e-mail: bpp@belprom.by



Dmitry  Kovshirko

Telephone: (017) 310-57-82
Reception hours for the public: 1st Thursday of the month from 16:00 to 18:00

Chief Engineer 

Alexander Sushchenya

Telephone: (017) 323-62-35
Reception hours for the public: 2nd Thursday of the month from 16:00 to 18:00

Deputy Director for Production 

Anatoli Perahud

Telephone: (017) 342-54-64

Chief Constructor 

Dmitry Kushnikov

Telephone: (017) 342-61-55